⚠ This post is over 2 years old and may contain outdated opinions, broken links, or incorrect information.
Hi there, dear reader.
Today, you may have received some old posts again on your rss feed app, and this is due to a change on this website, where I migrated from Jekyll to Ghost.
I will explain further how and why I made this change in a separated post. For now, I would like to apologize if I may have flooded your inbox and ask you to kindly mark every post before this one as read.
Apart from that, the new rss feed url is https://afhub.dev/rss1. I’ve set up redirects, so you can continue getting my posts until you have some spare time to update it.
Have a wonderful day!
UPDATE: This domain is not being used anymore. I migrated over to my new domain https://abf.li/. See https://abf.li/feed.xml for RSS or https://abf.li/feed.json for Json feed. ↩